Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lived In

1. bed
2. hair
3. breakfast
4. nest
1. bench
2. bag
3. money
4. flowers

1. fuel
2. driveway
3. shoes
4. wine


1. stairs
2. clothes
3. eyes
4. pup

1. teal
2. gold
3. light brown
4. brown

1 comment:

  1. Inspiration Presentation:
    First off your presentation was really nicely put together. You have a strong aesthetic sense and it comes through in all your posts. I really appreciated not only the titling of your concept but the story of your day... Really nice. Your concept is easy to understand and is clearly demonstrated through your images and editing. One idea that struck me during your presentation was the idea of "impression" (specifically from your bed and shoes) This idea may take your concept to the next level and really help it stand out.
    Again, great job!
